Saturday, May 30, 2009

Viral Banner Marketing !

The power of viral marketing is generally known, but not so the fact that banner marketing can also be viral.

That then is the beauty of this site I am presenting to you here.

It is a simple page of five(5) banners.

When you join, your banner replaces the one on top. That means your banner is on top each time your affiliate link is viewed. It moves to the second position for each and every signup you get, but then that means you now have a second line of advertisement(viral) and this goes on down five lines till your banner is pushed off the fifth position. Click here to learn more.

This wonderfull tool for broadcasting your banner to millions on autopilot can be yours today for FREE if you will only clik here to join.

1 comment:

  1. Hey There, read this article and found it really good... i just wanted to add that I found something related to banner marketing and thought it would be a great addition.

    Basically it lets you manage all your banners. All you do is use your custome link for all your banners, and you can update, rotate swap out even change the URL they point to... Imagine only having to post your banner once on a site...

    Joe D'Ailleboust
